Monday, July 21, 2014

Coleman's Camp SUMMER 2014 - Imaginative Play in Nature

  • Students took to the surrounding green space of Corinth Library to enact storylines of alien invasion and jailbreaks.

Coleman's Camp SUMMER 2014 - Goop!

  • Making Goop from liquid starch and Elmer's Glue.  An easy to make and a bizarre substance to handle.  Kids were able to review measurement, ratio, and polymers.  The white Elmer's glue is a polymer called polyvinyl acetate.  When students mixed in the liquid borax to the glue, the molecules of the borax bind up the glue "strands" so that the glue no longer flows freely. The properties of this new substance are unlike the original glue or borax. The "goop" behaves in an unusual way; it has some characteristics of a liquid and some characteristics of a solid. Goop may remind you of a well known commercial product called Silly Putty. 

Coleman's Camp SUMMER 2014 - Book Cover Based Perspective

  • Students looked at artists who use perspective to fool the human eye, including matching well-known portraits with a new or "expanded" context outside of the frame.