Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 6th week: TUESDAY
  • Group bonding and sharing time
  • "Walking Adventure" - going as a group out into neighboring shops, scouting for supplies and location for our activity this week
  • Problem solving and creation of water-gun based games to battle the intense heat and humidity
  • Participation in contests of skill involving water, including accuracy, distance, height, and challenge activities!
  • Working through following directions and sportsmanship guidelines, even in an old-school water-gun battle
Coleman's Camp, 6th week: THURSDAY
  • Group bonding and sharing time
  • Continuing to create script for song, including characters, actions, plot, perspective, and story arc of beginning, middle, and end
  • Filming scenes of the story, including changes in performances and improvisation
Coleman's Camp Studio, 6th week: SATURDAY
  • Group bonding and sharing time
  • All kids join together to make a Toontastic video
  • Discussion and exploration of moving away from stories based on fighting and working towards a more complex and interesting story line
  • Scripting new story with multiple locations and on-going introduction of characters in time-travel story

Monday, July 15, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 5th week: TUESDAY (no THURSDAY due to 4th of July)
  • Continued filming segments for video to accompany song
  • Reading lyrics and discussing meaning
  • Brainstorming methods to represent each segment of lyrics
  • Exploring, practicing, and refining facial expressions and gestures to emote
Coleman's Camp Studio, 5th week: SATURDAY
  • Recording Toontastic video
  • Sharing of items and special skills, talents, and interests
  • Organizing supplies

Friday, July 5, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 4th week: TUESDAY AND THURSDAY
  • Group bonding and sharing time
  • Watching several versions of videos set to the same music to explore how images affect the music
  • Selecting and listening to several popular songs and student favorites to identify songs with a narrative
  • Reading and analyzing lyrics of song we will use for our video
  • Creating script for the song, including characters, actions, plot, perspective, and story arc of beginning, middle and end
  • Filming scenes of the story, including changes in performances and improvisation
Coleman's Camp Studio, 4th week: SATURDAY

  • Continuing work on group projects
  • Learning to have times of reevaluating projects to determine if our work is making progress but also being okay with changing all or part of project we feel have lost momentum
  • Collaborating and recording a video on Toontastic
  • Creating 3D paper projects
NOTE - This is a raw video, the final will have many other scenes edited in to the music from "Snoopy versus the Red Baron" (cartoon version here