Sunday, April 28, 2013

Coleman's Camp - Weekly Journal Entry: 4/8/2013

Week of 4-8: With the library room unavailable at Corinth, the Thursday group met in my classroom this week.  We started by learning about my new classroom pet, Lightning Bolt, a baby bearded dragon.  Kids learned how to properly hold a bearded dragon and passed him around the group.  We then created a voice-overdub project where we selected a Disney video with a number of characters.  We watched the video several times, the volume muted, and created a new narrative to match the images.  Kids selected characters, worked up voices, and practiced improvisational skills while the video segment played.  The challenge was to create a (somewhat) coherent narrative with a beginning, middle, and end that we filmed.  The Saturday group was back at the Corinth Library for a LEGO themed challenge.  Some of the session time was spent in cooperative play, imagining and building various LEGO creations.  The second part of the session involved a challenge where kids were put into two member teams.  Team members were then separated from each other while one member created a LEGO build with 5 or 6 pieces.  The team members would then rejoin and would have to guide their partners through selecting pieces, assembling, and trying to duplicate the original piece as closely as possible.

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