Sunday, April 7, 2013

Coleman's Camp - Weekly Journal Entry: 4/1/2013

Week of 4-1: The Thursday and Saturday group watched several short video segments on Endangered animals from National Geographic as we planned to work with Violet and Hazel's grandfather to "adopt" four of the animals through an impressive program with the Omaha Zoo.  The kids in each session read about the animals and made choices based primarily on cuteness and familiarity with the animals.  The Thursday group again enjoyed the outside weather and played their second game of psychiatrist with a few new students who had not experienced the problem-solving and high abstract reasoning process before as they were absent.  The Saturday set off on an outdoors adventure, exploring well past the Corinth Library parking lot they knew well.  They were able to find spring blooms, interesting drainage areas, fossils in the rocks, landscaping structures, and even (thanks to Violet's keen eye) discovering a secret passage between seemingly solid bushes and a security wall!

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