Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 3rd week: TUESDAY AND THURSDAY
  • Creating roller coaster tracks with cut strips of plumbing insulation
  • Investigating momentum, slope, and energy of marbles traveling the track
  • Introducing Kinetic and Potential Energy
  • Problem solving challenges abound: 
    • Gaining momentum without sending marble flying
    • Creating a path for the marble to follow to take advantage of the momentum
    • Joining tracks to each other and to tunnels, allowing for smooth transfer of marble to next section of roller coaster
    • Placement of loops, drops, and banking turns to get as much distance and action out of marble
Coleman's Camp Studio, 3rd week: SATURDAY
  • Getting to know new member to the group and sharing creativity in our homes, playtime, and with friends
  • With several group members absent, students joined with other groups to offer help in working on projects
  • Cutting and assembling prop of a home
  • Finish a complete play using Toontasic app, including plot, characters, setting, and (most importantly) voices supplied by groups members and others interested in helping (link to video soon to be included here)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 2nd Week: TUESDAY
  • Creating Cubic Meter structure in teams with meter sticks and duct tape
  • Problem Solving construction issues of tape and support
  • Devising Obstacle Course for teammates to traverse while dealing with certain limitations, such as eyes closed, no verbal communication, or understanding hand gestures for navigation
Coleman's Camp, 2nd Week: THURSDAY

  • Students Challenged to slow the fall of a toy by creating paper cones and slides
  • Problem Solving construction, support, and function
  • Observing characteristics of objects
  • Selection of various objects sharing several characteristics
  • Game of using object characteristics to guide other students towards one object 
Coleman's Camp Studio, 2nd Week: SATURDAY
  • Three groups working on projects
  • Students helping other groups when needing a break from their group or simply interested in the work of other groups
  • Revising supply lists
  • Making progress on projects, including scripts, characters, props, and creative solutions to challenges faced during the creative process
  • Wiring electrical circuits for use by one group

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 1st Week: TUESDAY and THURSDAY
  • Getting to know you activities, discussion, and sharing
  • Parts of a Microscope
  • Human and Plant Cells, including introductory video
    • Parts of Cells
    • Cloning
  • Nature walk to find samples to examine Cells
    • Mushrooms, Blades of Grass, Insects, Lizard Skin, $10 bill, Human Blood, Berries, and Leaves
  • Preparing Slides
  • Drawings of magnified Cells
  • Feeding and observation of Bearded Dragon, Lightning Bolt
Coleman's Camp Studio, 1st Week: SATURDAY
  • Getting to know you discussion, including Three Truths and a Lie game
  • Explanation of how Studio will be different from regular Coleman's Camp sessions
    • Longer Projects lasting several weeks
    • Emphasis on brainstorming, development of ideas, and taking our work to a final project or activity
  • Mapping out themes that students are interested in studying
  • Students selecting groups to work in
  • Initial planning of projects, including scripts, character creation, and 
  • Creating supply list of materials needed for each group
  • Sustained and focused work time