Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 3rd week: TUESDAY AND THURSDAY
  • Creating roller coaster tracks with cut strips of plumbing insulation
  • Investigating momentum, slope, and energy of marbles traveling the track
  • Introducing Kinetic and Potential Energy
  • Problem solving challenges abound: 
    • Gaining momentum without sending marble flying
    • Creating a path for the marble to follow to take advantage of the momentum
    • Joining tracks to each other and to tunnels, allowing for smooth transfer of marble to next section of roller coaster
    • Placement of loops, drops, and banking turns to get as much distance and action out of marble
Coleman's Camp Studio, 3rd week: SATURDAY
  • Getting to know new member to the group and sharing creativity in our homes, playtime, and with friends
  • With several group members absent, students joined with other groups to offer help in working on projects
  • Cutting and assembling prop of a home
  • Finish a complete play using Toontasic app, including plot, characters, setting, and (most importantly) voices supplied by groups members and others interested in helping (link to video soon to be included here)

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