Monday, June 24, 2013

Coleman's Camp - SUMMER 2013

Coleman's Camp, 2nd Week: TUESDAY
  • Creating Cubic Meter structure in teams with meter sticks and duct tape
  • Problem Solving construction issues of tape and support
  • Devising Obstacle Course for teammates to traverse while dealing with certain limitations, such as eyes closed, no verbal communication, or understanding hand gestures for navigation
Coleman's Camp, 2nd Week: THURSDAY

  • Students Challenged to slow the fall of a toy by creating paper cones and slides
  • Problem Solving construction, support, and function
  • Observing characteristics of objects
  • Selection of various objects sharing several characteristics
  • Game of using object characteristics to guide other students towards one object 
Coleman's Camp Studio, 2nd Week: SATURDAY
  • Three groups working on projects
  • Students helping other groups when needing a break from their group or simply interested in the work of other groups
  • Revising supply lists
  • Making progress on projects, including scripts, characters, props, and creative solutions to challenges faced during the creative process
  • Wiring electrical circuits for use by one group

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