Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coleman's Camp - Weekly Journal Entry: Third and Fourth Week

3rd and 4th weeks: Animal camouflage and mimicry, especially watching Youtube videos of cephalopods (cuttlefish, squid, and octopus).  Kids created environmental posters where animals were hidden through camouflage or mimicry.  Experiments with paper, including being able to walk through paper and (for the younger group) making paper airplanes for practice following directions and learning new skills.  Flown outside during beautiful day and pleased to have Mrs. Ecklund-Johnson to reach through gates around the library and retrieve ambitious flight paths!  A really interesting and thought-provoking week (4th) on how our brains work, what we see, and (most importantly) what we miss in our daily lives.  Videos highlighting inattentional blindness and change blindness.  These can be found on my YouTube channel link found on this Shutterfly page.  Kids then spent time developing and running experiments to test each other! 

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