Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coleman's Camp - Weekly Journal Entry: 12/10/2012

Week of 12-10: Bonding with kids in Thursday and Saturday sessions about plans for winter break.  We feel like a real class sharing our excitement for the holidays.  Building off of our prior learning involving what our brain does and does not notice in our reality, we look at the work of several surrealist artists who worked at presenting reality in a new light.  Kids used mixed media to create surreal collages.  Students also requested we spend time practicing multiplication tests that some were struggling to pass in their classrooms.  Other students wanted to go further into surrealism and create additional pieces.  The Thursday session room split into 3 groups, 1) multiplication practicing (using the exact materials from their classroom), 2) additional surrealism collages, and 3) a group of boys beginning to make a surrealist film!

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