Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coleman's Camp - Weekly Journal Entry: 1/7/2013 and 1/14/2013

Week of 1-7 and 1-14: the Thursday group has two weeks full of preparing costumes, making props, writing scripts, practicing parts, and drawing on their bodies with (hopefully) washable markers!  The Saturday group worked to create Monsters and their habitats/haunts. The Saturday kids created back stories for their Monsters and planned presentations of how the Monsters lived and the adventures they went on.  Filming the plays and presentations has been exciting and hilarious.  Videos uploaded to Coleman’s Camp YouTube playlist, including some great outtakes and behind-the-scenes material.  The kids have been amazing and their creativity boundless.  The skits and presentations involved group communication and cooperation, creative writing, art skills for props and Monster creation, and planning out beginning, middle, and end of a story or presentation as well as improvising through mistakes.  I am extremely proud of everyone!  The Saturday group also participated in a LEGO based problem solving day where they were challenged to recreate something from their homes, build something without looking at it, and working as a group (including Mr. Coleman) to build cooperatively.

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