Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coleman's Camp - Weekly Journal Entry: 12/17/2012

Week of 12-17: Using microscopes and examining prepared slides of insects, spores, and blood!  Kids removed hair, saliva, skin, blood (thanks Emma and her scab!), boogers (no sharing!), and finger/toe nails.  Learning parts of microscope, how to prepare a slide, and how to determine which pieces of one's body are ok to remove.  Kids in the Saturday session also had time to begin exploring electrical circuits, wiring, and the ability to blow out small light bulbs with too much power.  I gave every student a large and small microscope - please let me know if your child did not receive his or hers, I have extras.  Kids also took extra small microscopes for brothers, sisters, neighbors, cousins, and/or friends.

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